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The challenge

Assalamualikum . Puasa tak ? wee. Dont worry saya pun berpuasa . Tapi , saya tak puasa 4 hari sebab kena ABC iaitu ALLAH BAGI CUTI . Baru semangat nak puasa penuh . This month actually very tiring . Takpe . Sabar sabar . Just left about 2 week before raya . Unfortunetly , I cant enjoy my raya like before because I'll having my SPM TRIAL . Seriously, I cant believe my spm is below 100 days . Die die die . Jom study :D Today I took picture for rumah sukan . Then , while waiting for my turn kan , ada satu lembu ni yang tak habis habis cari pasal dengan aku. Bengang bhai . Nasib puasa . Bertambah pahala aku berkurang pahala dia . Padan muka . Seriously cari pasal . Benci man . Dah la gemuk . lelaki kasanova lagi = =' I wonder how come dia ada girlfriend? Dont care ah . Some of the malaysian right , they got this one habit . You know what , if the guy or girl have new boyfriend and girlfriend , the friend they use to be with , semua jadi sombong . Same thing happen to me . I think all the friend I use to be with dah jadi sombong . If I tanya why sombong , they will said , "you dah ada boyfriend. Takkan nak kacau " . Urgh. Alasan je = =" I dont mean to be curang with the boyfriend . But , open minded lah . He is my boyfriend not HUSBAND . Tak suka tak suka . This few day i felt like I'm losing someone . Its okay . Adat kan nak buat macam mana . Let it be . I think my relationship will go strong . We confess about everything . So , pray for us okay . Got to go. Buka puasa jom :) Kbhai . Take care .