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The Freedom

“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” – Henry Ford

Assalamualikum guys. Kalian sihat ? Berbaku pula aku . Haha. Sedar tak sedar dah tujuh paper aku ambil . So, now three more paper to go after that FREEDOM. Tapi, agak sedih tau dah tinggal alam persekolahan. I can't believe that next year I'm not going to wear uniform , school shoes, wake up early in the morning and those stuff. How many time I should repeat this, Time flies so fast . Three more paper I left are Chemistry, Biology and Engineering Technology. Hopefully I can answer well for this three paper. Physic was like pissed me man. I did ALOT of careless mistake. Nak kata bodoh tak baik tapi nak cepat punya pasal aku pandang enteng dengan soalan tu. Haiyoo. I'm pretty sure A+ for physic is not mine already :( So, I'll make sure three more paper I do the best and no more go out EARLY. Okay, got to go . Study Biology time :) Takecare ..